We all love summer. Especially the activities that come along with it, BBQing, swimming, fire pits and so much more!
What was once banned has become a popular trend in the City of Kitchener. After 300 calls yearly the City of Kitchener created a “framework” to allow Backyard fires as long as these laws are followed…
- All backyard fires must happen between the hours of 6 and 11 p.m.
- There must be five metres of clearance around the fire (radius)
- There must be a means of extinguishment (garden hose, pail, etc.)
- Must be under the constant watch and control of an owner or occupant of 18 years of age or older from the time of setting of the fire until the fire is totally extinguished
- Only burn brush material, including tree limbs, branches and bush trimmings or manufactured logs specifically designed for fireplaces
- Recreational fires in fire pits must be contained by a distinctive, raised, non-combustible barrier that completely surrounds the fire pit to separate it from the surrounding area.
- Clean wood is used (no waste or other items that cause a nuisance when it comes to smoke.
Even with the laws being followed the City of Kitchener has the right to force homeowners to put out their fires if it is a nuisance to neighbours.
The city of Waterloo does not currently allow backyard fires so residents of Kitchener should enjoy this privilege and remember to invite their friends from Waterloo!
For more information, please visit: https://www.kitchener.ca/en/city-services/outdoor-fireplaces.aspx?_mid_=10154#Recreational-fires-regulations
Happy Summer Nights!